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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dirty, Dirty Doggies

Is it just me or are dogs dirty animals? First of all you've got the poop thing. If you're lucky enough that your dog doesn't go to the bathroom inside your house you still have to deal with the unenviable task of picking up their poop every time you walk them. We've all seen how dogs introduce themselves to each other. They walk right past each others' faces and start sniffing their butts. Of course the dog sniffs the ground intently the entire walk trying to locate random poops. I've seen a lot of dogs that just love to roll in poop and probably most disgusting are the dogs (you know they're out there) that like to eat poop. If the poop thing isn't enough, then there's the humping thing. A dog in heat will hump just about anything it can get its paws around. Watch out not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time or you're likely to find a dog humping your leg. Now that's gross.

Even the names of different dog breeds are dirty. What's up with the cocker spaniel for instance? How does this breed procreate if they all have cocks? Then there's the shih tzu. I don't care how cute this hairy little mutt is, I'm just not going to let a shih tzu anywhere near my new carpet. And when you mix a cocker spaniel with a poodle, what do you get? You guessed it, a cockapoo. Any animal with a name like cockapoo just can't be a good thing.

Perhaps I'll just get a peacock for my next pet. The name peacock may conjure up the awful image of a cock peeing, but the bird's beautiful plumage will magnificently replace that vision.

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